Mastering exams in a closed book environment

Tue 21 Jan 2025, 15:00 -
Tue 28 Jan 2025, 08:30 (GMT)

This interactive session will provide you with valuable support and guidance for enhancing your performance in the IFoA’s examinations in a closed-book environment.

During the session, we will cover:

  • what the examiners are looking for
  • what the closed book environment means
  • how to optimise your examination technique, and
  • tips on how to prepare ahead of the examinations. 

There will be the opportunity to ask questions. 

To ensure you are able to attend one of the webinars at a convenient time, wherever in the world you are based, we are repeating the same webinar on three different dates at different times. You only need to register and attend one of the options below.

There are 1,000 places at each webinar. If your first choice of webinar is full, please book on to one of the other webinars.

For those unable to attend the webinar in person, we have published a recording of the webinar presentation on the Virtual Learning Environment. Log in and view Mastering exams in a closed book environment.

Featured speakers

Sally began her actuarial career in pensions consulting. Volunteering for the IFoA as an examiner led to her current role as Education Actuary, where she supports the IFoA’s education curriculum and the development & delivery of professionalism material. She has a particular interest in ethics, neurodiversity, and “all things Actuaries’ Code,” and has used her experience of supporting the communications examination to pen several novels.

Colin is one of the IFoA’s Education Actuaries. Colin mainly focuses on the later subjects including the CP1, CP2, Life insurance, and Health and Care examinations.

Mike is the IFoA's Director of Learning and brings a wealth of experience as a qualified actuary.

Mike qualified through the Faculty of Actuaries in 1992 after which he held positions at Southern Life, Momentum and Metropolitan Life. Since 2013, Mike has been Chief Executive Officer at the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA). The IFoA and ASSA have a close working relationship, with ASSA having benefited significantly over the years from the IFoA’s education and, more recently the IFoA has adopted ASSA’s banking specialist exams. 

Events Team

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