Is universal health coverage by 2030 achievable for Sub-Saharan African nations?

Mon 16 Jan 2023 -
09:00 - 10:00

With out-of-pocket expenditure exceeding 60% in some countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, there is value in universal health coverage (UHC) solutions that are equitable, provide quality care and reduce the financial burden on individuals. However, with low levels of healthcare infrastructure, high medical inflation and a predominantly informal sector, there is a question as to whether UHC is even possible for Sub-Saharan African nations.

In our work with national health schemes across East and West Africa, we have observed a range of recurring challenges among social health insurers. In this webinar we highlight these challenges and explore solutions that governments can leverage to drive their success of UHC.

Featured Speakers

John is an actuarial analyst at Zamara Actuaries, Administrators and Consultants Ltd.

Once a doctor hopeful, John now strives to promote data driven solutions for national and private healthcare schemes.

Some highlights of his career so far are: being the lead analyst for the Malawi Motor industry Pricing, and conducting data analytics for big public medical schemes.

Team Lead Health Insurance, Actuarial Division Zamara Actuaries, Administrators & Consultants Limited

Samantha is a Healthcare Actuarial Consultant at Zamara Actuaries, Administrators and Consultants Ltd. She heads the company’s actuarial healthcare team and has been involved in consulting both private and public health insurers on actuarial matters. She has worked on a range of projects that promote sustainable healthcare solutions through the assessment of product and operational strategies.

In and outside of actuarial work, Samantha serves as a core member of a range of innovation initiatives at Zamara. As a social protection enthusiast, she seeks to develop social protection solutions that leverage technology, mobilisation and education.