Finance in the Public Interest 2022 - Long-term Investment Returns in a Net-zero World

Tue 12 Apr 2022 -
10:00 - 11:30

Due to the roles that we fulfil, and our professional obligations to put public interests ahead of our individual interests, we as actuaries are uniquely placed to consider the long-term impacts of changes to our investment landscapes. In this event, one of the co-chairs of the Economics Member Interest Group will come together with an investment manager and representation from the academic research community, to explore the potential impacts of our societal shift to net-zero emissions on long-term investment returns.

Featured Speakers


IFoA Economics MIG

Hugh is a Partner at Cabot Square Capital LLP, a mid-market private equity investor. During his time in private equity, Hugh has had exposure to a wide range of businesses including lifetime mortgages, elderly care, retail pharmacy, equipment leasing, retail lending, and life and protection businesses. He is currently non-executive director at Propel Finance, Autograph Care Group and JBR Capital. Hugh also takes the lead on driving the ESG agenda across Cabot’s portfolio. As a member of the actuarial profession, he co-chairs the Economics Member Interest Group, and has contributed to two literature reviews produced by the Resource and Environment Group on climate change and resource depletion.

Prior to departing for the ‘wider fields’, Hugh qualified as an actuary at Lane Clark & Peacock LLP. Hugh also holds the CFA Certificate in ESG investing and is in the process of qualifying as an integral development coach. Hugh has a degree in Astrophysics from Cambridge university, graduating in 1999.

Ballie Gifford

Scott joined Baillie Gifford in 2015 and is an Investment Manager in the Multi Asset Team. Prior to joining Baillie Gifford, he worked for Schroders in London, BEA Union in Hong Kong and Towers Watson. Scott graduated BSc in Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics from Heriot-Watt University in 1999. He is a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Professor Aled Jones is the inaugural Director of the Global Sustainability Institute (GSI) at Anglia Ruskin University. The GSI is an internationally recognised research institute, with a group of 40 individuals. Prof Jones’ work in climate finance has been recognised by the State of California and he has received a key to the city of North Little Rock, USA. He is a Co-Investigator on the ESRC Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), the AHRC Debating Nature’s Value network and the UK Government funded Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition.

Prof Jones’ research particularly focusses on the finance sector and government and how they will respond to the impacts of global resource trends, biodiversity loss, and climate change. He was made an Honorary Fellow of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries in 2018. He chairs the Biodiversity Working Party on behalf of the Institute. Prof Jones has a PhD from the University of Cambridge.