IFoA Statement of Solidarity with Ukraine

25 March 2022

Over the last few weeks the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has been shocked and saddened by the events occurring in Ukraine. We wish to extend our sympathy and solidarity to the Ukrainian people caught up in this tragic conflict.

We are obviously deeply concerned about the safety and security of our Ukrainian members at this time. We are in contact with them and offering them whatever support and assistance we are able to provide.

At this increasingly desperate time, we feel it is important to reaffirm the values that the actuarial profession stands for and that our members embody. Actuaries work for the common good and in the public interest. Their work is far-reaching and profound, and integral to the well-functioning of society, ensuring security, stability and peace of mind to individuals and organisations. After this conflict is over, we will continue to support our Ukrainian members as they work to rebuild their country.

In the meantime we continue to hope for a swift, just and sustainable resolution to this conflict.