Practising certificates

Learn about practising certificates at the IFoA and how to apply for them


The IFoA operates a Practising Certificates Scheme (PC Scheme) in relation to a number of senior regulated actuarial roles. The categories for which we grant practising certificates (PCs) are:

  • Chief Actuary (Life)
  • Chief Actuary (non-Life without Lloyd’s)
  • Chief Actuary (non-Life with Lloyd’s)
  • Chief Actuary (Life, Non-Directive)
  • With-Profits Actuary
  • Lloyd’s Syndicates
  • Scheme Actuary
  • CDC Scheme Actuary

PCs reflect that the actuary who holds them has demonstrated that they have the necessary competencies to be a PC holder and to potentially carry out one of the roles covered by the PC.


Applying for a practising certificate

Before applying for a PC, whether an initial application or a renewal, you must read the: 

To apply for a PC, you should complete the relevant application form and return it to the PC Team at The forms are:

If you are applying for more than one PC, you can use one application to cover all PC types. Where information provided on the application is only relevant to one of the PCs being applied for, please make this clear on the application.


Guidance for completing applications

To help you complete initial and full renewal application forms, please read our guide to completing PC applications (80 KB PDF)



Initial application examples

We also have some example initial application forms to guide you, including:

Full renewal application examples

We also have some example full renewal application forms to guide you, including:


How to make payment

The current cost of a PC is £1,095.

You can make payment over the phone, online, or by bank transfer. Please indicate on the application how you would like to make payment.

If you are paying by bank transfer, you can do so using the following details:

Bank details
Account name: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Account number: 08671990
Sort code: 56-00-20
IBAN GB98NWBK56002008671990


PC Scheme FAQs

Please also see our PC Scheme FAQs (100 KB PDF). Or you can contact the team at


Appeals process

We set out the process for appealing a decision made by the IFoA on a PC application in our appeals process (130 KB PDF).


Annual report of the Practising Certificates Committee

The Practising Certificates Committee’s annual report should be of particular interest to PC holders, and those who plan to become PC holders. You can read the:

The committee is responsible for considering PC applications and administering our PC Scheme. You can learn more on the Practising Certificates Committee page.

Related resources

PC Scheme transitional arrangements

Information on transitional arrangements for existing PC holders and non-PC holders that have sat the current UK Practice Modules. 70 KB PDF
Learn more

Changes and amendments to the Practising Certificates Scheme

Find changes to the scheme listed on this page. We’ll also notify members of changes by newsletter or email as appropriate.
Learn more

Practice Modules

The Practice Modules are designed to provide candidates with the opportunity to contemplate real-life issues they may encounter as a practising certificate holder.
Practice Modules