This page has further documents that applicants and licensed firms might find useful.
The DPB Board have produced a Guide to the DPB regime which summarises many aspects. The Handbook has been approved by the FCA and will always take precedence over any other material published by the DPB Board, including the DPB Guide
The Board has also produced style forms to help firms in investigating the identity of clients and analyse the risk for Anti-Money Laundering purposes.
Forms for pension trustees and non-trustees are available to download. These forms are simply guides and do not constitute legal advice. While care has been taken to ensure that they are accurate, up to date and useful, the IFoA will not accept any legal liability in relation to their content.
Compliance bulletins were produced prior to the publication of the DPB Guide. No compliance bulletin remains in force.
Please contact the DPB Manager for further information about compliance bulletins.
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is not responsible for the content of the documents provided by other organisations which are given for information purposes. You should check with the relevant body for the most up to date issue of the document.
The Designated Professional Body Board meets four times a year. Agendas and the minutes from previous meetings can be found below. Board minutes and papers are redacted as and when the Board considers it appropriate to do so.
30 March 2021
01 December 2020
22 September 2020
3 June 2020
4 March 2020