Exam news

Get all the updates on the introduction of our new exam system and objective based assessments, and all other IFoA exam news

Latest key updates

IFoA examinations—update and call for registrations

07 February 2025

Update on the delivery of the IFoA examinations and the examination registration process for the April session.
Read more

Mastering exams in a closed book environment webinar published

05 February 2025

We have now published a recording of our interactive webinar on sitting exams in a closed book/closed web environment.
Read more

Important Update on April 2025 Exam Session

31 January 2025

Important update on some changes to ensure positive experience for our candidates in April.
Read more

Find all updates related to exams below, which cover:

New exam system: all updates

Find all updates about our new exam system and objective based assessments here.

You can also learn more about the new exam system, exam delivery, system testing, and objective based assessments in our exam development FAQs.

28 November 2023

Our CB1 and CB2 exams will be delivered in their current format rather than in objective based assessment (OBA) format in April 2024.

If you have already started to prepare for our CB1 or CB2 exams in OBA format, we would like to reassure you that although we will be assessing CB1 and CB2 in written assessment format in April, the knowledge that is assessed in these exams remains the same.

If you have studied the syllabus and core reading and are following a revision plan, there is no need to change your study plan.

Any preparation you have already completed will be transferable to a written assessment. However, you may want to include written practice answers as part of your exam preparation.

You can find out more on our:

28 November 2023

We have taken the decision to delay the introduction of the new exam system until it is ready to support our exams and our candidates.

This means that we will deliver all IFoA exams on our current platform in their traditional format in April 2024. This includes the delivery of our CB1 and CB2 exams in their current format rather than in objective-based assessment (OBA) format.

Dates for our April 2024 exams have not changed and are available on our exam dates page

You can find further information on our:

20 October 2023

To support candidates as we transition to our new online exam system, we have published additional resources for candidates.

These new resources will support candidates as they prepare to sit exams on our new exam system in April 2024.

Technical readiness check now available

A technical readiness check is a quick and easy way to check whether your equipment and software meet the technical requirements for our exam system.

We recommend you complete a technical readiness check on the equipment you intend to use to sit your exams at the earliest possible opportunity, to identify and resolve any potential equipment or software issues.

To complete a technical readiness check, visit our new exam system technical requirements web page.

Test your internet speed

You can now test whether your internet speed meets the minimum requirements for our new exam system.

You can test your internet speed on our new exam system technical requirements web page.

3 October 2023

We have published new practice questions for our CB1 and CB2 objective based assessment (OBA) format exams.

Candidate feedback from our OBA trial exams showed that practicing objective based assessment questions is important.

So, to help candidates prepare to sit CB1 (Business Finance) and CB2 (Business Economics) exams in 2024, we have published new OBA format practice questions for these exams.

Candidates can access these new practice questions on our Business curriculum web page.

28 September 2023

We have changed the dates for our new online exam system testing.

Testing was planned to take place on 24 and 26 October.

It will now take place on 31 October and 2 November 2023.

This will be the final test of our new exam system to ensure we are confident of delivering a high standard online exam experience for April 2024.

This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to familiarise themselves with the new system in preparation for our April 2024 exams. This includes an opportunity to experience our new online invigilation process.

Register your interest in taking part in our new exam system final testing

If you register your interest, we will contact you to confirm whether you are part of the group taking part in final testing in the week commencing 9 October.

25 September 2023

We want to support candidates as we transition to our new online exam system and OBA format exams for our CB1 and CB2 subjects.

We are publishing a range of resources for candidates over the coming months to support their preparations and enable candidates to familiarise themselves with the new exam system well in advance of April 2024.

Familiarisation exams now available

To sit familiarisation exams on our new online system, candidates can now visit our familiarisation exam web page.

Familiarisation exams allow candidates to experience using our new exam system before their exam, giving candidates an opportunity to navigate around the new exam system and practice using the new system tools and functionality.

We strongly recommend candidates sit familiarisation exams to get used to using the new online exam system and tools at the earliest possible opportunity.

Candidates can now practice using the new online exam system and tool by sitting an essay style exam, which includes questions from past IFoA Specialist Principal and Specialist Advanced exam papers.

Candidates can also sit CB1 and CB2 objective based assessment (OBA) format familiarisation exams to gain experience using the online exam system and practice answering OBA style exam questions.

Find out more and sit a familiarisation exam

6 September 2023

Help test our new online exam system in October.

This will be the final test of our new exam system to ensure we are confident of delivering a high standard online exam experience for April 2024.

This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to familiarise themselves with the new system in preparation for our April 2024 exams. This includes an opportunity to experience our new online invigilation process.

Testing is planned to take place on 24 and 26 October.

You can register your interest in taking part in our October exam system testing here.

If you register your interest, we will contact you to confirm whether you are part of the group taking part in October testing once we have finished our September exam session.

16 August 2023

We are pleased to confirm that we are on target to introduce a new online exam delivery system for our April 2024 exam session.

We will undertake further system development and following the final exam system testing in October, we will formally confirm that we are ready to deliver our April 2024 exams on the new system in November.

We plan to deliver the following exams on the new exam system in April 2024:

  • Actuarial Practice (CP1)
  • Health and Care (SP1, SA1)
  • Life Insurance (SP2, SA2)
  • Pensions and other benefits (SP4, SA4)
  • Investment and Finance (SP5, SP6, SA7)
  • General Insurance (SP7, SP8, SA3)
  • Enterprise Risk Management (SP9)

These exams will be delivered on the new exam system. These exams will not be delivered in OBA format.

You can find out more about our new exam system and support and resources for candidates on our exam developments page.

OBA format exams

We plan to deliver our CB1 and CB2 Business exams in objective based assessment (OBA) format on our new exam system in April 2024.

Find out more about OBAs and support and resources for candidates on our:

16 August 2023

We are pleased to confirm that we are on target to introduce objective based assessments (OBAs) for CB1 and CB2 in our April 2024 exam session.

We will undertake further system development and following the final exam system testing in October, we will formally confirm that we will be ready to deliver our April 2024 CB1 and CB2 exams in OBA format in November.

Candidate results and feedback from our OBA trial exams show that candidates’ study preparation for OBAs will need to be different to how they prepare for the current written exam papers.

Over 60% of our trial exam volunteers reported that completing the OBA exams was challenging without OBA specific study preparation.

To ensure candidates are as well prepared as possible for the new OBA format exams, we encourage candidates to develop a strong understanding of all syllabi learning objectives and that they are prepared by practising OBA questions.

We have published resources to support candidates as we transition to OBA format exams for CB1 and CB2.

You can find study tips to help you approach OBA style exams on our objective based assessment study tips page.

We will be publishing familiarisation exams for CB1 and CB2 OBAs on the IFoA website later in August.

We will be releasing further practice questions for our CB1 and CB2 exams in September.

You can find out more about OBAs in our exam developments FAQs: OBAs.

26 July 2023

We need your feedback to help shape our new exam system.

We want to find out more about the equipment you use when you sit IFoA exams, so we can make fair and equitable decisions about our future exam system and guidance.

While we have collected valuable insight from our April 2023 post exam survey on the equipment candidates use and the locations where they sit exams, we want to understand whether this reflects your experience.

Feedback from our recent April 2023 post exam survey indicated that:

Exam equipment

  • 73% of respondents used a laptop to sit their exams,
  • 5% of respondents used a desktop computer, and
  • 22% of respondents used two screens.

Equipment provider

  • 29% of respondents used employer provided equipment, and
  • 71% of respondents used their own equipment.

Where you sit exams

  • 95% of respondents sit exams at home,
  • 4% of respondents sit exams in their place of work, and
  • 1% of respondents sit exams somewhere else.

Take our short survey

Please help us gather more data to help us shape our future exam service and guidance by completing this short survey on where and how you sit your exams.

Take part in our survey on how you sit your exams. The survey will close on 17:00 UK time on 25 August.

Complete the survey.

It will only take a few minutes to complete and provide us with valuable feedback.

Find out more about our exam development and how your feedback has already helped shape our new exam system on our exam developments web page.

26 July 2023

In June over 300 candidates from over 30 countries helped test our new online exam system. 

Testing a system under exam conditions and gathering candidate feedback is an essential part of any system development and provides us with critical information to help further improve our design, operational processes, and communications. 

We would like to thank everyone who participated in these test exams and shared feedback with us. 

Candidates who took part in the test were able to experience sitting an exam with remote invigilation for the first time and provided feedback on using the new system. 

We want to share key insights and learning from our exam system tests: 

Connecting to the exam system

  • The remote invigilation onboarding process, which involves verifying candidates’ identity and exam environment, took on average, 10 to 20 minutes to complete. 
  • Providing photographic identification and taking a ‘selfie’ was easy to do, however taking a 360° room scan was more difficult. 

Testing has highlighted the importance of candidates being able to practice the onboarding process before sitting their exam. We will therefore make sure all candidates can practice onboarding before a live exam and have access to detailed instructions on how to complete the process.

Using the exam system

  • Essay-style and objective style questions are clear and easy to use.  
  • It is possible to add complex calculations onscreen and there is a good range of mathematical functions.
  • Spreadsheet questions were tricky to use and did not contain all standard Microsoft functions. 
  • A small number of participants found the system slow to load questions, especially those that contained complex content, such as spreadsheets. 
  • 90% of participants liked the exam count down timer. 

Candidates will need to practice using the in-system tools well in advance of a live exam. To support candidates, we will be releasing familiarisation exams and producing system guides and other resources. We are continuing work to identify how best to deliver exams which require large amounts of complex mathematical calculations or the use of spreadsheets before we move them to the new exam system in September 2024.

Exam support services and remote invigilation

  • Participants were unclear as to which of the support chats they should use for particular issues.  Further clarity will be needed before exam day. 
  • Most participants chose to email the support team for assistance rather than call.  This led to slower issue resolution times. 

We will be providing clarity on when candidates should be using onscreen technical chat. We will also develop and share clear guidance on exam rules and regulations before go-live. 

Preparing the new system

We are continuing our analysis of candidates’ test feedback and working with our supplier to further refine, test and improve the new online exam system and our operational processes. In August, we will assess of our readiness to launch the new system and will share the outcome with candidates and employers at the earliest possible opportunity.

We will continue to update you on the introduction of our new exam system and share guidance and resources on our exam developments web page.

16 May 2023

We have taken the decision to delay the introduction of the new exam system while we continue to thoroughly test that it is ready to support our exams and our candidates.

Early testing has been completed and improvements identified. For this reason, we are delaying the launch to April 2024 to ensure these improvements can be implemented and tested before we go live.

We will continue to develop the system until we are confident of delivering a high standard online exam experience, that maintains our exams’ integrity. 

Arrangements for September 2023 exams

This means that we will deliver all IFoA exams on our current platform in their traditional format in September 2023. This includes the delivery of our CB1 and CB2 exams in their current format rather than in Objective Based assessment (OBA) format.

Our September 2023 exam dates remain the same. However, we no longer need to hold contingency dates for any exams.

16 May 2023

We are still accepting volunteers to help with exam system testing at the end of June 2023.

This is an excellent opportunity to familiarise yourself with the new system in preparation for the April 2024 exams.

The test will include a range of past exam questions so you can explore all the features of the new exam system, including excel entry and inputting formula and calculations.

Testing is planned to take place on 27 June and 29 June. These dates will be confirmed in early June.

For further information about the new exam system and our launch of objective based assessments (OBAs) can be found on our exam developments web page.

16 December 2022

We have published specimen exam papers in objective based assessment (OBA) format for our CB1 and CB2 exams.

We want to give candidates plenty of time to prepare for the introductions of OBAs. So we are pleased to announce the release of specimen exam papers for our Business Finance (CB1) and Business Economics (CB2) exams in OBA format.

These specimen exam papers are representative of the depth and breadth of knowledge that will be assessed in a single exam.

We will also make these specimen exam papers available in the new exam delivery system in 2023. This will enable candidates to familiarise themselves with the question formats in preparation for our September 2023 exam sitting.

Download CB1 specimen exam paper (1.4 MB PDF)

Download CB2 specimen exam paper (3.1 MB PDF)

30 November 2022

We have published a new webpage with all the information and updates on our new exam system and the introduction of objective based assessments (OBAs).

As part of our work to deliver more modern and digital methods of assessment, we are introducing a new exam system to enhance our online examination service. We are also developing OBAs.

On the page, you can find all information and resources for the new exam system, the introduction of OBAs, and what this means for you on our new exam developments web page.

Visit our exam developments page

30 November 2022

We are asking for your help with initial exam system testing in February 2023. It’s an excellent opportunity to familiarise yourself with our new exam system in preparation for the September 2023 exams.

This is to ensure we are delivering the robust, forward-looking service that you have said is important to you. We will use these tests to identify any system issues and ensure we fix them before a larger trial exam in June 2023.

This stage of testing does not require you to sit a full exam: we will be conducting specific exam scenario tests that we will define for you.

Interested in getting involved? Please complete our new exam system testing volunteer form.

30 November 2022

You can now find the technical requirements for our new exam system on a dedicated page.

To support you in preparing for the introduction of our new exam system in September 2023, we have published the technical requirements for the new exam system.

You can find information on operating system, hardware, internet browser requirements, and minimum upload and download speeds.

You will also find a list of domains you will need to access to connect to the exam system and links you can use to test your access to the domains.

Read the requirements

General exam news: all updates

We will post all general exam updates here as they come available.

Below is a copy of the communication sent to all IFoA candidates:

07 February 2025

We write to provide you with an update on the delivery of the IFoA examinations and the examination registration process for the April session.

Exam delivery

Firstly, we would like to apologise for the delay and uncertainty surrounding registration for the April examinations. We understand how much this has affected your preparation for the examinations so we have made some difficult decisions to provide you with the clarity and reassurance to proceed with your registration.

We believe there is a role for remote invigilation in the delivery of our examinations. However, given the technical issues with our remote proctoring tool that we have experienced during pre-testing as well as software hosting concerns raised by some employers, we have taken the decision that wherever possible, candidates will sit their April examinations in-person. The examinations will remain closed book and on-line but with in-person invigilation replacing the remote proctoring tool.

We are working with proven in-person on-line examination centre providers in the UK and internationally to finalise the details of our service based on candidate demand. This means we will be adopting a phased approach to confirming your examination registration for April as follows:

Exam registration – Phase 1

Registration will open from Monday 10 February until Monday 24 February for both members and non-members. We encourage you to book during the first week of the window or as soon as possible thereafter.

At this stage, we would like you to register for your examinations in the normal way. We will then collate the location information provided by each candidate to help our test centre providers identify, based on demand, the best hub locations for our examinations in the UK and internationally. We have already modelled this based on historical candidate entry data but want to ensure we have the actual numbers to hand.

Exam registration - Phase 2

Once we have confirmed the locations for our examination centres, we will contact you within three weeks of your initial registration to confirm your test centre location.
We will ensure that, where possible, we cater for those candidates requiring access and inclusion arrangements. We will contact you separately if the delivery option available to you cannot support your agreed arrangements.

If we are unable to provide you with the necessary arrangements for this exam session, we will offer you a full refund.

Remote invigilation

We apologise again for the significant issues faced by candidates during the recent test of our remote invigilation system. We have been working with the remote invigilation provider to address these issues but as we have set out in this note, we are not willing to risk using the system at scale in April and so have switched to in-person invigilation.

We will continue to address the issues with our remote invigilation system during the registration period. However, we are cancelling the practice exam on Monday 10 February at 14:00 GMT so that you can focus on registering for the April examination session.

We will now work with our provider to test the remote invigilation system. If our testing is successful and the platform performs reliably, we may offer remote invigilation to a limited number of candidates who are otherwise unable to access our examination centre network.

We are particularly mindful of those candidates with access and inclusion requirements and wish to explore every avenue to support them during the April session. We will identify candidates during the registration period who may require a remotely invigilated examination and contact you.

Further information

We appreciate that these are new but necessary arrangements to ensure that we can deliver the April examination session. We will schedule webinars in the run up to the examination session so that you will have the opportunity to understand how the examinations will be conducted in an in-person environment. We will schedule these once we have confirmed examination centre locations with candidates.

We have put together these Frequently Asked Questions which we will continue to update.

If you have any questions relating to your examination registration, please contact memberservices@actuaries.org.uk

Yours sincerely,

Mike McDougall
Director of Learning

05 February 2025

We have now published a recording of our interactive webinar on sitting exams in a closed book/closed web environment. You can find Mastering exams in a closed book environment our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

The webinar has been designed to help you prepare for the changes to our April 2025 exam sitting.

Content includes:

  • what the closed book environment means
  • what examiners are looking for
  • how to optimise your exam technique
  • tips on preparing for IFoA exams.

Log in to your VLE and access Mastering exams in a closed book environment.

31 January 2025

We are very sorry for the inconvenience and frustration that last week’s unsuccessful exam test session has caused both candidates and their employers. This page provides more information on what we know about the issues that arose and provides an important update on some changes which will help ensure that we are able to deliver secure exams and a positive experience for our candidates in April.

What happened last week

We ran our first practice exam session last week and unfortunately, candidates experienced issues launching the remote invigilation ProctorU platform. After a delay, candidates were able to launch ProctorU, and we were able to extend the session time to enable as many candidates as possible to complete the practice exam. We fully acknowledge this is not an acceptable outcome.

We have subsequently been working with ProctorU to establish the root cause of the problem. The issue was the communication between the exam platform and the proctoring system failed due to a coding inconsistency in the third-party API (the relay used to connect the two systems) that triggered when a large number of candidates logged on simultaneously.

We are now confident that the issue has been resolved and we plan to move forward with the session scheduled for Tuesday 4th February in order to fully stress test the system. We have run extensive testing, including large numbers of IFoA staff using the system, but ultimately we need the help of our candidates to test it at maximum capacity. There is the possibility that the test may not work as planned on Tuesday but our aim is to ensure that with extensive testing now, there will be secure delivery of the exams in April.

We would be very grateful if candidates who are booked on to Tuesday’s session could help us by participating so that they help us identify and eliminate any further issues. Once inside the session, candidates will be able to experience the new online proctoring system as planned. We will also be arranging a new practice session for those who attended the 22nd January session and will contact those candidates directly.

Introducing in-person examination proctoring

We very much appreciate the way that both candidates and their employers have gone to considerable lengths to meet the new requirements for the April 2025 exam session. We have, however, received significant and clear feedback that the challenges go above and beyond whether the IFoA’s systems work. There are additional challenges to meeting these requirements including the ability to install software on secure company-owned computers.

We are therefore working to introduce the ability for some candidates to sit the exams with in-person proctoring at suitable locations globally through trusted partners and suppliers. Candidates would continue to take the same online closed book exam at a single set time but there would be no need to install proctoring software as invigilation would be undertaken in person.

We are currently engaging with potential partners to deliver this in-person option and will make it as widely available as we can. We will communicate further details as soon as they are available.

Delaying Exam Booking

To enable us to put arrangements in place for in-person proctoring, we are postponing the opening of exam booking for the April session from 3rd February to 10th February for members and from 10th February to 17th February for non-members. Exam booking will now close for all candidates at 5:00 pm UK time on 24th February.

We would like to thank our candidates and their employers for their patience as we make these necessary changes to our April exams and once again apologise for the inconvenience and concern caused.

18 December 2024

Candidates have told us that they would like further support and guidance on sitting exams in a closed book/closed web environment.

So, we are hosting a webinar offering guidance on sitting exams in a closed book/closed web environment and the giving you the opportunity to ask any questions that you might have.

Join us for an interactive webinar where we will cover:

  • what the closed book environment means
  • what examiners are looking for
  • how to optimise your exam technique
  • tips on preparing for IFoA exams.

Book your place

To ensure you are able to attend the webinar at a convenient time, wherever in the world you are based, we will be running this webinar on the following dates:

For those unable to attend the webinar in person, we have published a recording of the webinar presentation on our virtual learning environment.

Log in to view Mastering exams in a closed book environment.

This webinar has been designed to help you prepare for the changes to our April 2025 exam sitting.

If you have any questions about the webinar please email us at: examsupport@actuaries.org.uk.


25 November 2024

We regularly review the content and format of our curriculum subjects to make sure they reflect current actuarial best practice and meet the future needs of our profession.

We are currently reviewing the content and format of our Business Management (CB3) subject.

To help you plan your schedule, we are giving advanced notice that we will be pausing our CB3 assessment for a short period after our 3 February to 14 March assessment session. We will pause CB3 assessments until June 2025, to enable us to implement any updates recommended by the review.

If CB3 is the final subject you need to pass to achieve an IFoA qualification and you have not already booked to sit the assessment but would like to, please contact our member services team who will be happy to help you.

UPDATED on 05 March 2025: We are sorry we have been slightly delayed in making the announcement. However, we are pleased to inform you that we are close to completing the review and testing the new software. Details of the changes and future booking dates will be released at the end of March.

22 November 2024

We are pleased to give candidates an opportunity to practice sitting an exam using the new system, so they can experience all the new processes around remote invigilation before they sit a live exam.

Experience remote invigilation

We will be running three sessions in the new year where candidates will be able to experience sitting an IFoA exam with remote invigilation under our new exam rules.

Candidates will have the opportunity to experience all key exam processes from start to finish in these practice exam sessions.

This will include:

  • Receiving a welcome email, which will include the new guardian browser.
  • Launching the exam platform from within the new guardian browser.
  • Carrying out pre-exam checks for remote invigilation and the exam platform.
  • Launching remote invigilation and going through the onboarding steps.
  • Downloading the exam paper.
  • Uploading an exam answer document (this can be any Word document as we want candidates to experience the exam answer upload process, they will not need to complete a full mock exam).
  • Ending the remote invigilation session.

These practice exam sessions are an excellent opportunity for candidates to practice setting up their exam environment in accordance with our exam rules.

This is also an opportunity to practice sitting an IFoA exam on the device and in the location that candidates plan to sit their April 2025 exams.

How to take part

Practice exam sessions will take place on the following dates and times:

  • 22 January 2025 (09:00 UK time)
  • 4 February 2025 (14:00 UK time)
  • 18 February 2025 (09:00 UK time)

Candidates will need to register using the link below to take part.

Register for exam practice sessions

Please make sure you register before 12:00 noon (UK time) on 31 December 2024.

We will contact candidates two weeks before their chosen practice session to share all the information you need to sit the practice exam.

If you are unable to book onto one of our practice exam sessions, you will still be able to access support for navigating remote invigilation when we release video resources and update our Examinations Handbook later in the year.

If you have any questions about the practice exams session, please email us at: examsupport@actuaries.org.uk.

31 October 2024

To ensure candidates receive their September 2024 and future exam results as quickly and easily as possible, all candidates’ results will be shared directly by email on their results release day.

With previous IFoA exam results releases affected by technical issues that resulted in candidates having difficulty accessing their results, we have made several changes to our systems and processes to ensure candidates don’t experience delays in future.

We have listened to candidates’ feedback about how candidates prefer to receive exam results and as a result, we will now share candidates’ exam results directly by email, as well as on our member portal.

September 2024 exam results

To ensure candidates receive their September 2024 and future exam results as quickly and easily as possible, all candidates’ results will be shared directly by email on their results release day.

Candidates who have sat CS, CM and CB exams will receive those results by email on 3 December and CP, SP and SA exam results by email on 5 December.

  • Candidates will receive one email including the results of all the exams that are released on that day (3 December and 5 December).
  • We will send exam results to the address that candidates have registered on their IFoA member portal.
  • We will be sending exam results emails in stages from 17:30 (UK time) on your exam results release day. Please don’t worry if you haven’t received your results email by 18:00 (UK time), you should receive it shortly afterwards.
  • If you are expecting to receive exam results in December, please check that the email address you have registered in your IFoA member portal is up to date. If you need to update your email address, please make sure you have made any changes before 17:00 (UK time) on 25 November.
  • The email address on your member portal will be uploaded onto our exam emailer system just after 17:00 (UK time) on 25 November, so any changes made after this time will not be captured in our email send data.
  • Please also add the following email address to your safe senders list: alerts@onlinepracticalexams.org.uk as this will be the email address that your results are sent from

For future reference, and for candidates who prefer to access their exam results in PDF format, you will be able to download a PDF from the member portal from 18:00 UK time, on the relevant exam results release day.

We believe these changes will mean that candidates can access their September 2024 exam results quickly and conveniently, in a way that works best for them.


7 October 2024

In August, we announced the introduction of remote invigilation and identity verification for our April 2025 exams.

We are also making changes to the way we deliver our exams to enhance their security and integrity.

Closed book and closed web exams

To ensure confidence in the integrity of our exams, our April 2025 exams will be closed book and closed web.

This means candidates cannot access any materials, including books, handwritten notes or documents on their computers during their exam.

It also means that candidates will not be allowed to access any web content during their exam.

Exam start times

We will no longer operate staggered start times (timed cohorts) for exams from April 2025.

This means all candidates will start their exams at the same time, except for those candidates who have a specific access arrangement in place.

We have notified IFoA exam tuition providers and employers of these changes and will work with all parties in the coming months to ensure a smooth transition.

While we do not expect these changes to impact on IFoA exam paper format or questions, we are working with our examining teams to review our 2025 exam papers, to ensure they are appropriate for closed book and closed web exams.

We will continue to update candidates by email and will share further details on our exam news and exam developments web pages as we prepare for these important advances in exam security.

More details on the changes can be found on our website.

2 August 2024

We know exam security is important to both candidates and employers, and we’ve heard members’ concerns about academic integrity and honesty.

That’s why we’ve been working to enhance security on our online exam platform.

We can now confirm that we will introduce remote invigilation and identity verification in 2025.

Exam candidates from April 2025 will have to produce documentation to confirm their identity before accessing their exam papers. Candidates will also be monitored via web camera for the duration of their exam.

Candidates taking exams before April 2025 are not affected by this change.

Why have we made this change?

Current data suggests that improper conduct takes place in around 2% of total exams taken. We have retrospective controls in place to identify such conduct, but we are aware that these don’t fully address the risk of such activity going undetected.

We also understand that the integrity of our exams is an area of importance and concern for members, particularly for those who do not and would not behave inappropriately in an exam situation, and who are most unfairly impacted by improper conduct.

Exam integrity is also a major consideration for employers. In addition, we need to protect the ongoing reputation of the IFoA and, by extension, of its members and the profession.

While we continue our efforts to introduce a new digital-first exam platform that will support more modern forms of assessment, we also recognise the need to increase our existing security measures.

Remote invigilation is designed to be a short-term, tactical step towards addressing current levels of risk within the existing exam platform. It does not limit or pre-empt future exam delivery options.

How will remote invigilation work?

Remote invigilation uses specialist software to record candidates and their screens while they take their examination on the exam platform. It also monitors a candidate’s online activity.

A trained invigilator will view the recorded information once the exam is complete. Any concerns about improper conduct will be reported to the IFoA for further investigation.

Will we be using a new exam platform?

Exams will continue to operate as they do now, on the existing platform. Only the way candidates access the platform will change.

We will tell you more about those changes in the coming months, to ensure all 2025 candidates have the time and information they need to prepare. They will also have the opportunity to practice using the new system before sitting a live exam. 

How to find out more

We’ll issue be issuing further information and guidance about the changes to online exam security in the coming weeks and months.

You’ll find it on our exam developments and exam news pages, and in our member and other newsletters. We’ll also send dedicated communications to relevant candidates, examiners, employers, academic institutions and key stakeholders.

25 July 2024

You told us that support at the beginning of your qualification journey with the IFoA was important to you. So, we are hosting a series of webinars providing insights and strategies to enhance your exam performance.  

Join subject matter experts who will share their expertise and practical advice to help you succeed.



8 August 10:00 – 11:00 UK time 

8 August 16:00 – 17:00 UK time

10 August 13:00 – 14:30 UK time 

10 August 08: 30 – 10:00 UK time 

11 August 08:30 – 10:00 UK time



You can expect webinar speakers to share guidance on:  

  • approaches to exams and exam technique   
  • available exam resources and how to best use them 
  • common mistakes made by students and how to best avoid them 
  • revision tips 

Webinar recordings (except for mastering CP exams) will also be made available on our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).  

30 May 2024

Should the IFoA return to closed book exams and offer test centre online exam sittings?

As we continue to develop a new exam delivery system, we want to take this opportunity to consult more widely to inform how to improve our services and your experience.

IFoA online exams

In response to the COVID pandemic, we started delivering all IFoA exams online in 2020. We also moved to an open book web approach, where candidates can refer to external materials like web sites and study notes.

Feedback from candidates and employers at the time was positive. Many were grateful that we did not cancel exams, which, unfortunately, was the case for many other awarding organisations.

While our exams will remain online, enabling us to offer more modern forms of assessment in future, including Objective Based Assessments (OBAs), we understand that, over time, your views on the delivery of our online exams may have changed.

We want to hear your views

Thank you to everyone who completed our April post-exam survey, which received over 3,000 responses. Feedback from this and other surveys, and our exam system testing last year, has given us valuable insight into your views on our current exam delivery methods.

We have listened to your feedback and want your views to shape future IFoA exam delivery.

We want to know your thoughts on closed book exams, where candidates are unable to refer to external materials during an exam, and whether you would like the option to sit online exams in an exam test centre.

Share your views

To share your views on closed book exams and exam test centre preferences, please complete this short survey by 14 June.

Please do share the above consultation link with your peers and encourage as many as possible to get involved.

Your feedback drives change

Some of our exam candidates have feedback that they find typing mathematical formula and equations onscreen more difficult than handwriting them. Therefore, we are considering if there are ways that we can improve this while exams are still delivered on our current exam platform. We will let you know about progress in this area as soon as we are able to.

We would like to thank you for your support as we make improvements to your exam experience.

Take the survey

1 May 2024

While we remain committed to delivering a modern digital-first exam system with security and integrity at its heart, unfortunately, we will not be introducing a new exam system in 2024.

We understand this may be disappointing, but it is absolutely essential that any new system meets the high standards our candidates expect and deserve.

To ensure candidates and employers can plan for future IFoA exams we can confirm all IFoA exams will be delivered on our current platform in their established format in September 2024.

We will provide updates on our progress and clarity on timelines for the introduction of a new exam system at the earliest possible opportunity.

1 May 2024

We understand how important exam security is important to candidates and employers.

Therefore, we have taken the decision to focus on enhancing our exam security by introducing remote invigilation software and identity verification to the current IFoA exam system at the earliest possible opportunity.

We aim to introduce these enhanced exam security measures for our 2025 exam sessions. However, if there is opportunity to introduce these measures earlier, we will do so, while ensuring candidates have enough time to prepare and adjust to these changes.

These changes will mean that candidates will need to produce documentation that confirms their identity, and have their identity and exam room checked, before accessing their exam paper. Candidates will also be monitored through their web camera for the duration of the exam.

1 May 2024

To ensure candidates and employers can plan for future IFoA exams, we can confirm that all IFoA exams will be delivered on our current platform in their established format in September 2024.

This means the delivery of our CB1 and CB2 exams will be in their current format rather than Objective Based Assessments (OBA) format in September 2024.

While we expect this will remain the case for both sessions in 2025, if there is any opportunity to introduce a new exam system and launch our OBA format exams in 2025, we will do so.

We will continue work on preparing exams in Objective Based Assessment format, so we are ready to launch OBA exams when we launch a new exam system.

We already have Business Finance and Business Economics (CB1 and CB2) exams prepared in OBA format and are working on developing more OBA format exams for subjects that work well in this style of assessment.

We will regularly update candidates and employers on our progress towards introduction OBAs by email and our Student and Associate newsletter, as well as on our web pages for exam developments and exam news.  

16 April 2024

Following the Economic modelling (CM2A) exam on Monday 15 April, candidates raised concerns about some of the questions within the exam paper.  

We want to reassure you that we have taken this feedback on board and have undertaken an investigation into the alignment of all questions to the CM2 2024 syllabus, with a particular focus on questions 1 (ii) and (iii), and question 5. 

All questions have been reviewed by the IFoA examining team and we can confirm: 

  • Question 1 (ii) and (iii) assess a removed objective (1.3 of the 2023 syllabus) 
  • Question 5 assesses syllabus objective 2.1 of the 2024 syllabus, Measures of Investment Risk

We understand how important our examinations are to you and apologise that on this occasion an error was identified with question 1 (ii) and (iii). 

If an error or ambiguity is identified with an exam paper, we will take this into consideration during the marking process to ensure candidates are not disadvantaged. Should mitigating action be required, it is proposed and ratified by the Board of Examiners before results are published.   

Full information will also be provided in the Examiner’s report. 

15 August 2023

You can now find exam dates for our April and September 2024 exam sessions on our exam dates web page.

We have scheduled reserve exam dates if, in exceptional circumstances, we are unable to run an exam on the new exam system on the scheduled day.

These reserve exam dates are for emergency contingency purposes and will only be for exams taking place on the new exam system.

You can find these reserve exam dates on our exam dates web page.

26 July 2023

In our April 2023 Student and Associate newsletter, we told you that candidates and employers had reported an issue with the spreadsheet which formed part of the materials for our CP2 paper 1 exam and that candidates had given us feedback related to the perceived difficulty of our CS2 exam.

We were unable to provide further information at the time, as we were carrying out investigations into both issues.

We are happy to inform you that we have completed our investigations and have published further information on these issues in the examiners’ reports for each subject.

You can find examiners’ reports on our past exam papers and examiners’ reports web page. 

26 July 2023

We understand how important the integrity and high standing of our qualifications are to our members and employers. To safeguard the reputation of our qualifications, we take the integrity of our exams and guarding against inappropriate conduct very seriously.

We updated our Assessment Regulations to reflect our online, open book exam environment and have produced clear guidance on inappropriate conduct and plagiarism in exams. We have measures in place to prevent inappropriate exam conduct, including two-factor authentication and exam question review.

We have several methods for identifying possible breaches of IFoA Assessment Regulations. These include use of software, exam markers highlighting concerns,
whistleblowing, and carrying out a review of every exam script to detect potential inappropriate exam conduct.

April 2023 exam session

During our April 2023 exam session, we reviewed over 12,500 exam scripts. Following the exam script review process, 1% of the exam scripts were referred for further investigation. Each possible breach of our Assessment Regulations was reviewed by IFoA executive staff, including education actuaries, along with examiners. If, after review, inappropriate conduct was still suspected, candidates were notified and invited to respond, before all the information in each case was referred to a panel for consideration.

Panel members undertake an independent review of each exam script and all evidence submitted, before meeting and working through all of the cases to ensure a fair outcome.

Following a robust review process, investigation outcomes for the 1% of exam scripts referred for further investigation in our April 2023 exam session, were:

  • 38% of cases flagged for further investigation for plagiarism were confirmed to contain plagiarised material, and
  • 62% of cases flagged for further investigation for collusion were confirmed as including collusive behaviour.

These outcomes range from a formal warning through to a 24 month exam booking ban, depending on the severity of the breach of our Assessment Regulations.

As candidates become more confident in the open book, online exam environment, we continue to see an encouraging downward trend in the number of scripts that require further investigation by the panel. The percentage of total exam scripts flagged for further investigation during recent exam sessions are:

• around 2% in September 2021 and April 2022, and
• around 1% in September 2022 and April 2023.

While this is encouraging, some candidates have reported that they are unfamiliar with the regulations and guidance around avoiding inappropriate conduct. We encourage candidates to read our Assessment Regulations and Exams Handbook, and our online guidance on inappropriate conduct before each exam session, to ensure they are aware of how to avoid inappropriate exam conduct.

Visit our inappropriate exam conduct web page.

26 July 2023

Your feedback is essential to help us understand how we can improve your candidate experience and develop our exam services in the future.

We would like to thank the 2,710 candidates who completed our post exam survey for our April 2023 exam session. 17% of the 15,677 candidates who participated in the exams took part.

We are analysing all your feedback and will update you on the survey findings and how we will use this insight to improve your candidate experience shortly.

7 July 2023

We have updated the syllabi for our 2024 exams.

If you’re planning to sit an exam in 2024, we recommend that you:

  • review the syllabus as part of your exam preparation for that subject
  • note any changes in the syllabus and/or any changes to the assessment

We review the syllabi of our Associateship and Fellowship subjects every year.

Each syllabus outlines the objectives for the subject and guides you on what you need to learn and be able to do. It also gives a description of the assessment for that subject.

For more information, see the:

  • subject syllabi in our curriculum page’s module section
  • list of syllabus changes for 2024 exams


27 February 2023

You can find a complete guide to preparing for and sitting your online exam in our April 2023 Examination Handbook.

The handbook contains essential information including requirements for testing the exam platform before your exam, uploading your exam answer script and what to do if something goes wrong on the day of your exam.

View our April 2023 Examinations Handbook.

31 March 2023

We have published guidance on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in IFoA exams.

Candidates have requested clarification around the use of generative AI tools in IFoA exams, so we have published clear guidance on the use of AI tools, such as ChatGTP, in our exams.

We have set out that the use of any generative AI tool is not permitted in IFoA exams. The guidance also covers the detection of the use of AI tools and what generative AI and its evolution may mean for IFoA exams in the future.

We will be contacting all candidates who have booked to sit exams in April to flag this guidance.

Read the guidance at Use of AI tools in IFoA assessments

3 January 2023

We have updated the syllabi for our 2023 exams.

If you’re planning to sit an exam in 2023, we recommend that you:

  • review the syllabus as part of your exam preparation for that subject
  • note any changes in the syllabus and/or any changes to the assessment

We review the syllabi of our Associateship and Fellowship subjects every year.

Each syllabus outlines the objectives for the subject and guides you on what you need to learn and be able to do. It also gives a description of the assessment for that subject.

For more information, see the:

3 January 2023

We are making changes to questions 1 and 2 in our 2023 CP3 exams.

Question 1 (the communication)

This question will now be worth 80 marks (previously this was 90 marks).

We have reduced the marks available across the sections, including for communication content overall (5 marks) and for spelling and grammar.

Question 2 (reflective questions)

This question will now be worth 20 marks (previously 10 marks), split over 3 to 6 question parts.

The themes of the question parts will be similar to previous papers. Some question parts may be more in-depth and have more marks allocated than previous exams.

We will be looking for a more comprehensive answer with students expected to generate more points given the additional marks.

A note on the changes

As per the usual process, the examiners set the marking schedule according to the exam. They therefore reserve the right to change the mark allocation between different sections depending on the exam.

CP3 syllabus

Please review the CP3 syllabus for 2023 exams on our communications practice page.

If you are planning on booking an exam, please check that you have met your Personal and Professional Development (PPD) requirements.  

You need to record a minimum amount of PPD credits and formal learning hours each year, in order to book IFoA exams. 

You can review, record and edit your current PPD record by logging in to your online account.  

If you have not fulfilled your PPD requirements, you won't be able to book exams. So, please make sure your PPD is up-to-date, or you request a PPD exemption in plenty of time before exam booking opens. 

Don't worry if you have missed your PPD deadline, find out what you need to do on our missed PPD deadline web page.  

If you need further guidance or would like to request a PPD exemption, please contact our Member Services team who will be happy to help you. 

Related resources

Preparing for the April 2025 exam session

All the information and resources you’ll need as we adopt more modern and digital methods of assessment.
Learn more

Exam system technical requirements

All the technical requirements for our new exam system
Learn more