Support for Schools and Universities

Whether you are a teacher, careers advisor or parent, we have a range of resources available that can help you support students considering a career in actuarial science.


You can find a range of resource below, including our careers materials, details of events and activities, plus videos and blogs from those currently working in the profession.


Introduction to the Actuarial Profession and Directory of Employers

Our introductory guide to the actuarial profession clearly sets out the paths to becoming an actuary, the exams students need to take and the skills and qualifications employers look for in trainees and graduates.

Our Employer Directory provides detailed information about work experience and internship opportunities and trainee and graduate roles with leading employers of actuaries. The Directory provides advice on how to secure an actuarial role, case studies from a diverse range of professionals, plus information about the different areas of actuarial work.



We run and participate in events that enable young people to meet and network with employers and gain a greater understanding of the actuarial profession. This includes networking events with employers, panel discussions, careers fairs and events to support diversity and inclusion.

Our award winning annual event Count Me In celebrates the diversity within the profession and encourages bright young maths students from historically unrepresented backgrounds to become actuaries.
In these uncertain times, we are not currently hosting in-person events. However, we will continue to host digital events to help young people reach employers and make their first steps towards becoming an actuary.

We also support schools and universities through our Career Ambassador programme. Careers ambassadors work for a number of different actuarial employers and can volunteer their time to take part in school and university events as speakers or panel members. As much as possible, we match schools and universities with career ambassadors in that region, so that students gain valuable insight into the actuarial profession from someone who they can relate to.

If you would like us to organise a speaker or event for your or your child’s school or college or want to find out more how we can support you to support students in their first steps on the path to a rewarding actuarial career contact us.



Our Career Tips playlist on YouTube answers common questions about becoming an actuary. If you would like to find out more about the future of the profession and the exciting opportunities that are opening up visit our Actuary Hot Topics playlist.


We have created specialist blogs to help those who are supporting students interested in a career in actuarial science. Read our careers-focused blog series.


Keep in touch

Stay up-to-date with the local events, and the latest advice and resources to support schools, universities and parents with early careers advice for the actuarial profession. Complete our careers contact form.



Careers blog

View our careers blog
Learn more

Careers Guide

Download our intro guide to find out how to become an actuary
Learn more

Employers Directory

View the latest directory
Learn more

Stay up-to-date with the latest news, activities and events to support your journey to become an Actuary.

Contact Details:

Contact Details:

If you would like to speak to a Career Ambassador, or enquire about becoming a Career Ambassador, or would like help with finding speakers to attend a careers event, please contact the Careers team.

We aim to respond to all enquiries within five working days.
Email Careers team