Make your maths skills count

Actuaries: Data Driven Futures

Are you a student ages 16 to 17, who is creative, curious, and adaptable? If so, we want to hear from you.

We’ve partnered with EY Foundation on a new programme to give bright young people an insight into the actuarial profession and gain experience with a top employer. Actuaries’ unique combination of skills is key for business, helping organisations to plan better, save money, and make smart decisions for the future. And with the rise of artificial intelligence and data science, opportunities for actuaries continue to grow.

What’s on offer

  • Workshops covering all you need to know to land that first job, from making your CV stand out to perfecting your interview technique.
  • Work experience for your CV with one of our employer partners.
  • Plus, 6 months of 1-2-1 mentoring tailored to your needs.

The details

  • Location: London
  • Dates: Monday 12 August to Thursday 22 August and Monday 19 August to Thursday 29 August
  • The best part, it’s free.


  • Employability skills week: 12 August to 19 August with a break on 15 August for results day
  • Business experience: 20 August to 22 August
  • Graduation: 22 August PM

Ready to get a head start in your career?