Stage 3: Professional Skills Training

The Professional Skills Training is Stage 3 of the IFoA’s 3-stage mandatory Professional Skills Training.


Stage 3 is an annual requirement to complete a minimum of 2 hours of Professional Skills Training for members who are subject to the CPD Scheme 2020 (effective from 1 September 2020).

All members to whom the CPD Scheme effective 1 September 2020 applies, need to complete 2 hours of Professional Skills Training annually, defined in the CPD Scheme as 'CPD Activities with a Learning Outcome related to managing professional ethical challenges'.

Online resources for members

The IFoA develops new online content each year to assist members in meeting these requirements.

This includes video case studies and other resources which can be accessed via the Professional Skills Hub. We publish content twice each CPD year at 6 monthly intervals – going forward this will be in September and March.

Request a toolkit

We also provide a toolkit to help members run professional skills sessions for their colleagues and local associations. To access the toolkit, please visit the Professional Skills Hub. The toolkit will give you access to downloadable links for the videos, useful tips on running a session, and access to a range of supplementary content.

Professionalism CPD

Professionalism CPD is also offered in the form of webinars on relevant topics (either stand-alone or as part of a conference programme), details of which can be found on our events calendar.

If you are a student

Students may find the Professional Skills Training online resources helpful in meeting the professionalism Personal and Professional Development Plan (PPD) requirements.

Related documents

New professional skills resources

View our latest professional skills videos and see lots more on our Professional Skills Hub.


Contact Details:

Contact Details:

For further information please contact the Professional Skills team.
