Lifelong learning

In our fast-paced ever-changing world of work, employers need actuaries who have core actuarial skills, are flexible and can add value to their businesses.

Lifelong Learning is a vital part of the IFoA strategy for the future of your career and your profession. As effective professionals, you need to possess relevant and contemporary skill sets. The IFoA is dedicated to providing you, our members, with the best opportunities for your Lifelong Learning needs.

Lifelong Learning can be delivered by a variety of methods, allowing you to take responsibility for your own personal development and careers with the support of a professional body that will ensure you have access to all the resources that you need.

So before you begin a new project or stage in your career, take time to reflect on what competencies can help both now and in the future. Identify what skills and knowledge you need, and then embark on a course, read articles or blogs, find a mentor, listen to podcasts, watch webinars, or attend conferences. Write down everything you do, how this has met your objectives, the impact that it's had, and how it has supported you in your work.

Career support

Career support

It's your career, view our development tools and gain a valuable insight into who you are and why you do the things the way you do.
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Data science

Data science

View our guidance and information on how to engage in this fast moving area
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Develop your ability to apply the main principles of actuarial planning and control that are relevant to the provision of banking business
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CERA and risk management

Drive better business decisions and enhance your quantitative and qualitative skillsets with the CERA credential
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Sustainability and Lifelong Learning

Sustainability and Lifelong Learning

View our Sustainability and LIfelong Learning page

Let's go!
General management and business skills

General management and business skills

Find information on masterclasses, short courses and how to become a Non-Executive Director.
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