We regularly update this page with opportunities to speak at our conferences. These include GIRO, Life Conference, IFoA Asia Conference, and the General Insurance Spring Conference.
More calls for speaker announcements will be coming soon.
Conference dates: 5 to 7 November 2025, EICC, Edinburgh
Submission deadline: Friday 25 April
Conference dates: 19-21 November 2025, Liverpool
Submission deadline: Tuesday 10 June
Presenting offers a range of transferable skills that can help advance your skill set, both personally and professionally. These include:
Speaking at a conference or event will increase your visibility and help you develop your personal brand.
You’ll learn how to speak confidently to a room full of people and develop your own personal presenting style. You’ll become experienced at explaining your ideas clearly and succinctly – skills that you can then take back and reapply in your workplace, for example when chairing meetings, presenting to clients, or giving feedback to colleagues.
Presenting enables you to connect and build rapport with an audience – useful skills that can also help you to network and grow your contacts.
Not only will presenting look impressive on your CV, it also means that you’ll start to make a name for yourself within the profession, as well as being more confident in job interviews.
You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you have passed on information and learning to your peers, helping to disseminate and develop knowledge across the profession.