Honorary Fellows

As a professional body, we have around 200 Honorary Fellows who have been leaders in their fields of business, academia, government, and other public bodies, either here in the UK or internationally.

Many of our Honorary Fellows are very active in the profession and complement the work of over 31,000 IFoA members around the world. 

Download our lists of Honorary Fellows elected from:

Nominating Honorary Fellows

The IFoA annually seeks nominations for individuals who might be invited to be put forward for election as an Honorary Fellow.  They should be individuals who are able to add value to the profession and can have an active and ongoing involvement with the IFoA.

Based on the current bye-laws and subsequent guidance provided by Council, Honorary Fellow nominees should be individuals who:

  • “...have achieved distinction in related fields or given significant service to the actuarial profession.” (bye-law 37)
  • can add value to the profession
  • have a direct connection with the profession
  • have an ongoing relationship with the profession

Further to this, proposed Honorary Fellows will also be considered in the extent to which they can support the profession’s strategy.

Honorary Fellows have the same voting rights as Fellows but are not subject to a member subscription fee. Honorary Fellows are subject to the Actuaries’ Code, and we would expect them to behave in a way that would not damage the reputation of the IFoA. Honorary Fellows are not subject to the IFoA’s Disciplinary and Capacity for Membership Scheme, but may have their membership suspended or removed in accordance with these criteria, as agreed by Council.

All external nominations require a proposer and a seconder from within the IFoA membership. Nominations are considered biennially, and are typically assessed by the IFoA’s Policy and Public Affairs Team against a number of specified criteria to determine whether the nomination should be put before Council for formal consideration.

If you wish to submit a nomination please:

Contact us

Any queries can be directed to public.affairs@actuaries.org.uk