Future of objective based assessments

1 May 2024

To ensure candidates and employers can plan for future IFoA exams, we can confirm that all IFoA exams will be delivered on our current platform in their established format in September 2024.

This means the delivery of our CB1 and CB2 exams will be in their current format rather than Objective Based Assessments (OBA) format in September 2024.

While we expect this will remain the case for both sessions in 2025, if there is any opportunity to introduce a new exam system and launch our OBA format exams in 2025, we will do so.

We will continue work on preparing exams in Objective Based Assessment format, so we are ready to launch OBA exams when we launch a new exam system.

We already have Business Finance and Business Economics (CB1 and CB2) exams prepared in OBA format and are working on developing more OBA format exams for subjects that work well in this style of assessment.

We will regularly update candidates and employers on our progress towards introduction OBAs by email and our Student and Associate newsletter, as well as on our web pages for exam developments and exam news.